Thin Client Computers: Sound Advice for Finance

From the ubiquitous teller’s terminal to the multi-monitor command and control setups preferred by investment professionals, computing is almost as important to finance as money itself. Especially in today’s day and age, when dollars are more often numbers on a screen than bills in hand—not to mention the purely digital cryptocurrency phenomenon – IT is the lifeblood of today’s financial sector.

It’s been a long time in the making. Banks were some of the first adopters of early mainframe computers outside of academia, and they’ve continued to stay at the comfortable edge between the latest and greatest and the tried and true.

Today’s financial institutions leverage computers for everything from serving customers at the branch, supporting mobile banking, running machine learning algorithms to optimize investment portfolios, and much more. While tech may be indispensable, it can be costly, it often creates challenges, and, especially in the heavily regulated finance industry, maintaining compliance requires an extra level of security and scrutiny.

That’s why Thin Client Computers are a perfect option for financial institutions of all sizes, from the smallest boutique wealth management firm to the largest multinational conglomerate.

Thin Client Computers: Compliance and Security

Financial IT systems are under intense scrutiny from local, state, federal, and even international regulators – and, rightly so. Financial information is sensitive data, and customers expect their social security numbers, their accounts, and all of their other personal information to be protected from malicious cyberattacks and data breaches.

In a traditional computing environment, with data spread out across many different computers, adequately safeguarding each and every computer is a major struggle. Thin Client Computers’ unique virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) simplifies cybersecurity and compliance management because everything is centrally managed.

Essentially, instead of storing data on individual PCs, everything, including the desktop itself, comes from a tightly controlled server. It’s the next level of cloud computing—rather than access data or applications from the cloud, Thin Client Computer users connect their devices to the cloud – and everything from their wallpaper to their client’s data – stays on the cloud.

Instead of having to oversee, patch, and manage every desktop PC across the company, IT professionals only have to worry about building a “moat around the castle” – securing the server that hosts the virtual desktops – as well as the connections between them. Overall, this makes the burden of maintaining compliance much lighter.

Thin Client Computers: Flexibility and Adaptability

Thin Client Computers take the agility of the cloud one step further. Bankers can go from desk to desk, or even from branch to branch, and pull up their own personalized desktop environment, simply by logging in.

A Thin Client Computer architecture also opens up the door to greater remote work possibilities for financial professionals. Whether they’re at home or on the road, all it takes is a secure connection to access their desktop. Unlike a VPN or traditional laptop setup, nothing leaves the secure perimeter of the host server.

Another way that Thin Client Computers improve the adaptability of financial institutions is by being environmentally friendly. More and more companies are making carbon reduction and/or neutrality pledges, and Thin Client Computers are a perfect green solution. They draw significantly less electricity than standard PCs, their smaller material requirements lower their carbon footprint, and their longer lifespan results in less waste.

Thin Client Computers: A Profitable Investment

It’s basic economics. You want to get the most bang for your buck. Thin Client Computers offer a greater return on investment than other alternatives.

First off, Thin Client Computers are substantially cheaper than individual computers with a similar performance. It really comes down to economies of scale. Instead of having to provision each computer with its own hardware, Thin Client Computers share the resources of a powerful central computer. Don’t invest in lots of distributed systems when you can achieve the same performance for potentially a fraction of the cost.

Thin Client Computers also maximize your capital expenditure budget. While normal computers need to be replaced every few years so that users can run the latest applications on upgraded hardware, all Thin Client Computers have to do is connect to the server. That means that upgrading the server’s hardware instantly translates to upgrading every workstation that connects to it. A Thin Client Computer will continue to serve you well for years to come after a normal computer would have required replacement.

You can even squeeze even more value out of your previous IT investments by transforming old PCs into Thin Client Computers. Since Thin Client Computer architecture only requires minimal hardware, you can give new life to legacy equipment that would otherwise be useless.

Thin Client Computers: 10ZiG Hardware & Software

Thin Client Computers are an ideal solution for the financial industry because they aid compliance and security, they improve flexibility and adaptability, and they’re a downright profitable investment. You’re in the financial business for a reason. Do the math for yourself, and you’ll see just how much money you can save by investing in Thin Client Computers now.

10ZiG is a leading Thin & Zero Client endpoint hardware and software provider for VDI, Cloud, DaaS, and SaaS. We provide leading Intel and AMD based, Dual and Quad Core Thin & Zero Clients for VMware, Citrix, Microsoft, and other environments. 10ZiG offers free, no-obligation demo devices, best-in-industry Technical Support teams based in the U.S. and Europe, and provides for FREE, Cloud-enabled “10ZiG Manager™” centralized management software with unlimited user licenses. Get your free demo at [email protected] or [email protected] or just click here > FREE demo.